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The 3 Most Common Complaints About a Nursing Home

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Nursing homes are valuable, necessary, and sometimes life-saving assets to our communities. For aging adults who need assisted living services, nursing homes offer them an opportunity to get the care they need and assure their safety to their loved ones who may not have the capacity or means to care for them themselves. 

Those living in nursing homes or assisted living are often a vulnerable population whose health and safety are at the mercy of those hired to care for them. Unfortunately, that precarious reality can sometimes lead to poor living conditions and even abuse in nursing homes. 

Today, we are going to look at the three most common complaints of a nursing home and how these complaints could be warning signs of poor care or abuse of a loved one. 

If you believe your loved one is being abused or neglected in a nursing home setting, don’t hesitate to take action. Contact your local authorities and a nursing home abuse lawyer near Hamilton, Ohio to be sure your concerns are taken seriously. 

The 3 Most Common Complaints About a Nursing Home

1. Understaffed Nursing Homes

Professions all over the country are experiencing understaffing. While in some industries this is an inconvenience, in the healthcare setting, including nursing homes, this can be detrimental to the health and safety of those being cared for. 

Lack of staff can lead to delays in care, daily activity being minimized, corners being cut, and unhygienic environments. Furthermore, understaffed nursing homes are more likely to have staff who aren’t qualified, inexperienced, burnt out, frustrated, tired, and overworked. That doesn’t sound like the best environment for high-quality care. 

Inadequate staffing isn’t always easy to identify as it is usually a gradual decline. These changes can go unnoticed unless you are involved in your loved ones’ care and well-being. It can be helpful to plan regular visits and speak with nursing home staff regularly to keep a pulse on the quality of your loved ones’ daily care. 

2. Neglectful Nursing Homes

While nursing home neglect can be a direct result of inadequate staffing, it can also happen as a result of poor training or the general lackadaisical attitudes of the staff. Neglect can range from inadequate assistance with medications, meals, and general hygiene such as dressing or bathing. Neglect can also look like not responding to requests for medical care.

Oftentimes nursing home abuse will lead to emotional and physical distress of the resident and an overall lower quality of life. Dehydration, malnutrition, and bed sores are often clear signs of neglect. Keep an eye out for signs of these conditions as well as any other signs of distress in your loved one that could be a clue they are experiencing neglect. 

3. Abuse in Nursing homes

Aging residents of a nursing home can be especially vulnerable to abuse. Sadly, it is not uncommon for abuse to happen in nursing homes in the form of physical abuse, verbal abuse, or even financial exploitation. 

Physical abuse can range greatly from hitting to using excessive force, to sexual abuse. Signs of physical abuse in your loved one may include bruises, scratches, or abrasions on the body. This is often accompanied by verbal or psychological abuse which can include derogatory terms, name-calling, belittling, threats, or intimidation. 

Psychological abuse can be especially hard to identify as it leaves no marks on the body but oftentimes leads to increased distress or anxiety in your loved ones. 

Families and caregivers must remain aware of potential signs of abuse in nursing homes since its effects can have lasting repercussions on an elderly person’s health and well-being. 

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

If you suspect your loved one is being mistreated, neglected, or abused in their nursing home care that can be unsettling and upsetting. Loved ones often feel helpless and frustrated, questioning what the best course of action is. 

Of your loved one is in a situation that you do not trust for whatever reason, a nursing home abuse lawyer can walk you through the process of reporting abuse, holding the abuser accountable, receiving damages, and ensuring the safety of your loved one in the future. At The Richards Firm, we have experience helping concerned families and are passionate about keeping nursing homes safe for those aging persons who benefit from their care. 

We can be reached at 513-868-2731, ext. 219 or visit us at  

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