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Understanding Wrongful Death

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The death of a family member or loved one is never easy. That pain can be worse when that death was caused due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of another person. When that happens, it is the responsibility of the person or organization at fault to provide compensation to the surviving family members.  

A wrongful death claim may include medical expenses, lost wages, funeral costs, and loss of consortium, loss of a loved one’s income, loss of potential retirement, and other economic losses among other types of damages.  While a lost love one can never be replaced, a wrongful death claim can provide some justice and a sense of closure. 

What Qualifies as Wrongful Death? 

Wrongful death claims can be brought based upon any situation leading to death whether arising from vehicle and truck accidents, dog bite, products and premises liability, and nursing home negligence, among other causes. The party responsible for the wrongful death may be a person, company, or some other entity. 

The cause of the death may stem from either negligence or intentional actions. If a person or company either failed to do something that could have prevented the death or took actions that resulted in the death of someone, then there may be a wrongful death case. 

The claim for wrongful death may be brought by any personal representative, including the spouse, children, or other legally recognized dependents of the deceased. If that person was unmarried and had no dependents, it may be brought by that person’s parents, siblings, or other family. 

Survival Action 

A survival action is a related, yet separate claim that may also arise in a wrongful death case. While filed by the personal representative also, the compensation available by way of a survival action is different. A survival action can result in recovery for the deceased’s medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering that the deceased incurred after the negligent act that led to the injury and until his or her death.  In short, a survival action focuses on injuries the person who passed incurred while he or she was still alive.   

Finding an Attorney that Cares About You 

Wrongful death is a very personal situation, and it’s important that you find an attorney who treats your case individually. At the Richards Firm, we make sure to that our clients receive the personal attention and care that they deserve in their time of need. We communicate regularly with our clients by whatever means of communication is most convenient for our clients.  The Richards Firm is a local, trusted law firm that provides aggressive representation while being genuinely concerned for the well-being of clients. 

You will only be charged if you win your case. 

The Richards Firm is well-versed in the areas of wrongful death and survival actions. For a wrongful death attorney in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Southwestern Ohio, and Northern Kentucky, contact Rhys Richards today. 

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