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What Does it Mean When a Product is Recalled?

A product liability claim can be made when you or a loved one is injured from using an unsafe or defective product. Many products on the market are safe to use thanks to a number of different safety guidelines and steps that have been established to create accountability.

At times, a dangerous or defective product makes it to market. When a product is proven to be dangerous, a manufacturer is obligated to remove the product from the market. This is called a recall. A recall can be done voluntarily by a manufacturer or it can be enforced.

What is a Product Recall?

A product recall is a manufacturer’s way of retrieving a dangerous product from customers. A recall is usually put into place once a large quantity of a product has been proven to be dangerous.

A recall can ask for a few different actions from their customers. Some recall simply ask for customers to throw the product away and submit for a refund. Others require the item to be returned for a refund, replacement, or repair.

Government agencies involved in recalls include the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How to Know if a Product is Recalled

Even when an item is recalled, it can be challenging to remove them from the household altogether. Whether the owner of a product doesn’t know about the recall or isn’t concerned for their safety or the product is being sold in a second-hand store, there can be a number of obstacles to fully removing the product from the market.

While oftentimes large recalls may be talked about on the news, most recalls aren’t advertised. The best way to keep up with the safety of products within your home is to check the consumer product safety commission website.

This website is always up to date and allows you to search items based on different filters. You should utilize this website to check for recalls before purchasing products second-hand.

Consult a Product Liability Attorney

If you have questions regarding a product recall or have been injured from a defective or unsafe product it is best to consult with a Liability Attorney near Hamilton, Ohio. An experienced liability attorney will help you establish your next steps in investigating a recall or submitting a product liability claim.

For experienced guidance in seeking damages for a truck accident, contact The Richards Firm today.

We can be reached at 513-868-2731, ext. 219 or visit us at
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