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What To Expect- Meeting With an Attorney For The First Time

When you meet with an attorney for the first time, the odds are that you have little to no legal experience. This can make the first meeting a bit nerve-wracking and the overall process of discussing a potential claim incredibly intimidating.

At The Richards Firm, we always strive to make everyone we meet feel comfortable and supported in their legal endeavors. A good lawyer will act as a resource to guide you through the legal system. When it comes to preparing for your first meeting with any lawyer, let’s calm your nerves and go over how you can be prepared!

Finding an Attorney

First things first, you will need to choose an attorney to help you. Once you start searching, you may be surprised by the number of options in your area. You can do some research to find one who is focused on cases that are similar to yours. You can also rely on reviews for that attorney or firm to learn more about that option. You may also ask attorneys you may know for their recommendation. 

Most personal injury attorneys will meet with you for a free consultation. Use this opportunity to assess if the partnership is a good fit. Ask questions about your attorney’s background and experience. Forming and maintaining a strong, professional relationship with your attorney will make it easier for both you and the attorney to handle your case.

Be Ready to Share Information

Coming to a meeting with your attorney with an openness and willingness to share will go a long way. The more information you can give your attorney, the better. In your first meeting, your attorney will likely need basic details like your birthday, address, contact information, employment details, and other information. Your initial intake meeting helps the attorney ensure there are no conflicts of interest for your attorney to represent you and that he or she can be of service to you. 

In personal injury cases, you will also be asked to share the details of the incident, your injuries, and your medical treatment. This is where no detail should be spared. Be open, honest, and candid about your experience.

Gather Evidence

If you have any evidence, be sure to bring copies of everything for your attorney to review. Do not worry if you do not have any evidence yet; part of the process your attorney will walk you through is investigating what happened and gathering the needed information. In a personal injury matter, you can help your attorney by providing evidence including the following:

  • Medical records and bills
  • Documents from insurance companies
  • Insurance information
  • Photographs
  • Police reports
  • Receipts
  • Statements from yourself or others

Write Down any Questions You May Have

Think about any questions you may have and write them down in advance. This will help you make the most of your meeting and ensure you do not forget to ask a question. Asking questions you have up front will save you time and help you make the best decision for yourself.

Bring a notebook with you to write down the answers to your questions. The attorney may also ask you to bring other documents if you decide to hire them. Take note of any advice the attorney gives you.

Meet With an Attorney Alone

You may prefer to bring a friend or loved one to meet with your attorney, but it is best to meet with your attorney alone. Meeting with an attorney while another person is present may compromise attorney-client confidentiality. Your attorney is required to keep everything you say confidential, but the presence of a third party means that what you share would no longer be confidential between you and the attorney. You should check with the attorney before you meet.

Personal Injury Attorney in Hamilton, Ohio

We hope we have helped ease your mind and make you feel better prepared for your first meeting with a personal injury attorney in Hamilton, Ohio. At The Richards Firm, it costs you nothing to have a case consultation with Rhys Richards. 

We can be reached at 513-868-2731, ext. 219 or visit us at  

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