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How Wearing A Helmet Could Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Some motorcyclists may cling to images from Easy Rider and the feeling of wind blowing freely through their hair when operating their motorcycles without helmets. 19 states and the District of Columbia require that all motorcyclists wear helmets. Ohio does not.

According to Ohio law, however, only motorcyclists under the age of 18 are required to wear a helmet. Riders must also wear helmets as long as they have a Temporary Instruction Permit Identification Card, or TIPIC. The TIPIC is the novice license that represents a rider’s first step towards acquiring a full motorcycle license.

In the event of a motorcycle crash, regardless of whether or not you were wearing a helmet, it is crucial you talk with a lawyer if you believe another party was at fault. As a motorcycle accident lawyer near Cincinnati, Ohio, we will be able to guide you through the process of pursuing a personal injury claim.

As a victim of a motorcycle crash, the value of your claim could vary based on whether or not you were wearing a helmet.

Wearing a Helmet

From a health standpoint, your decision to wear a helmet makes you less likely to sustain head injury or death. Riders who utilize helmets are less likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, as the result of a collision. In fact, helmets are approximately 67 percent effective in preventing head injuries and approximately 37 percent effective in preventing motorcycle crash-related death according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Wearing a helmet demonstrates that you follow safe driving guidelines and do everything in your power to protect yourself while you are on the roadway. In the eyes of a jury, that strengthens your case.

Not Wearing a Helmet

When you choose not to wear a helmet and are involved in a motorcycle crash resulting in injury, the value of your claim may be undercut. Insurance adjusters will claim that you bear some responsibility for your injuries, which may affect the compensation that you recover. The at-fault party and the insurance company will likely argue that your injuries would have been less severe or wouldn’t have happened at all, had you been wearing a helmet.

Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Whether you were wearing a helmet or not, when you sustain injuries from a motorcycle accident, you will need an experienced lawyer. At The Richards Firm, we can help you pursue a claim to recover the compensation you may be owed. We will provide you with a practical interpretation of Ohio law and your claim. We pride ourselves on providing you with all the necessary information to help you understand your claim and its value.

As a motorcycle accident lawyer near Cincinnati, Ohio, Rhys Richards has years of experience helping crash victims navigate the legal system as it pertains to every detail of a case.

We can be reached at 513-868-2731, ext. 219 or visit us at

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