Truck accidents are some of the deadliest accidents that occur on the road. Accidents with trucks are even more deadly when they involve a truck rollover. Truck rollovers are more likely to cause complex multi-vehicle accidents that span wide road areas.
Whether a truck rolls over smaller cars or blocks the roadway, it can cause critical and even deadly injuries to anyone involved.
Trucking companies have many policies and guidelines in place to promote safe driving practices to avoid these devastating accidents. Unfortunately, these guidelines and laws aren’t always followed. If you have been the truck accident victim, contact The Richards Firm truck accident law firm near Hamilton, Ohio. As a truck accident victim, you are entitled to recover damages for your injuries.
What Causes Truck Rollover Accidents?
The circumstances of an accident on the road are usually unique given the conditions of the road and drivers. There are a few common actions, however, that increase the risk of a truck rollover accident.
Excessive Speeding
Speeding is the number one cause of truck rollover accidents. Drivers speed in an attempt to get someone quicker or meet a deadline. Drivers must be trained to operate their trucks at safe speeds.
Sharp Curves or Turns
Some roads can be more hazardous for large trucks. Truck drivers must be trained in navigating sharp or sudden curves and turns in the road as they increase the risk of a large truck tipping over.
Overloaded Trailer
Each truck has a weight limit as to how much they can tow as well as guidelines to how it should be packed. If a trailer is overloaded above the weight limit or stacked too high, it could increase the risk of tipping.
Who is Responsible for a Truck Accident?
This will vary based on the details and nature of the truck accident you are involved in. When an accident is caused by reckless or negligent driving, inexperienced or poorly trained drivers, or improperly loaded cargo, the shipping company, the trucking company, and potentially other entities could be responsible for the accident and any damages or injuries it may have caused you or a loved one.
For experienced guidance in seeking damages for a truck accident, contact The Richards Firm today.
We can be reached at 513-868-2731, ext. 219 or visit us at
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